Thursday, February 7, 2013

Gout Relief - Home Remedies For Gout to Help You Find Relief From the Pain

pain relief

It's the midnight and the whole world is asleep. You are dozing in a peaceful slumber, when suddenly a sharp jolt of pain in your big toe makes you scream in your sleep. You wonder what has happened and wake up. You find that your big toe is red and swollen and even a short walk to the toilet is a torture. What has happened all of a sudden you wonder? Well, this is nothing but gout which is a well known form of acute arthritis.

The pain of gout is unbearable, no doubt, however, gout relief can be achieved by simple home remedies. Some changes in your diet and the right medicines can actually bring gout pain relief.

What are the easiest home remedies for gout pain relief?

Nature has great cures for gout pain relief in the form of many herbs, flowers and roots. These remedies work by melting the uric acid deposits in the muscles and other soft tissues or preventing the accumulation of uric acid in the blood stream. This lessens and eventually eliminates gout pain.

Another great idea is drinking herbal tea. The herbal tea can be prepared by adding a table spoon of chickweed to a cup of boiling water. Once the chickweed settles, then strain it and drink one fourth of the concoction four times a day. This will help in gout pain relief.

Another great home remedy to aid in gout pain relief is to mix a table spoon of hops with a table spoon of fresh unsalted butter. You can use this ointment for immediate relief.

Gout is accelerated by imbalanced diet and fast food habits. Gout prevention and gout pain relief can be sought by eating a balanced diet. Avoid foods such as red meat, sausage, liver, spinach, cauliflower and shellfish because they cause accumulation of uric acid in the blood stream.

People with gout should eat a diet rich in fruits, vegetable, chicken in limited quantities. Try to avoid oily food as this also accelerates gout. Another simple way for gout pain relief is to drink water like fish. Water prevents uric acid accumulation and can go a long way in providing gout pain relief.

Another great way for instant pain relief for gout is to apply ice in the affected area. This will decrease the inflammation and aid in gout pain relief.

Cherries help in reducing inflammation and providing pain relief. Many gout patients have got great relief from drinking cherry juice or eating cherry.

You can also try and include omega3 fatty acids and flax seed oil in your diet for gout pain relief. Burdock root also helps in eliminating uric acid deposits in the body and aids in gout pain relief.

Gout normally occurs in over weight and obese people; hence it's a great idea to loose weight

Gout is naturally curable by many home remedies. Medicines cause side effects and hence it's advisable to try herbal and homeopathic home remedies for gout pain relief. Try switching to a healthy diet and drinking lots of water. Give up alcohol and toxic processed foods. Observe these tips and watch your gout go away for ever!

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