Monday, April 22, 2013

Gout Relief - Identify the Symptoms For Immediate Gout Relief

gout pain

If you know what the gout symptoms are, then you are in a better position to get immediate gout relief and prevent it from spreading. A gout attack usually happens suddenly without prior warning and can affect even the most healthy individuals. Being familiar with the symptoms can save you from severe gout pain that typically lasts a week or longer.

Gout is a type of arthritis caused by high levels of uric acid in the body. This condition is known as hyperuricemia. Gout is more prevalent in males and is usually inherited. The main cause of gout is when the kidneys are unable to flush out the uric acid. The excess uric acid in the body will form crystals and deposit in the joints thus producing the pain.

Gout symptoms start commonly with an inflammation of the big toe which causes painful swelling. The affected joint becomes red and feels hot. Gout pain is similar to a burning sensation. Even the slightest touch on the affected area would exert severe pain associated with pricking needles. Another common symptom is fever and chills.

So now that you know the gout symptoms, the next question is how do you get immediate gout relief?

Concentrated Black Cherry Juice

You can purchase this from many supermarkets or even online through Amazon and Ebay. Black cherries have good properties that can cure gout pain. Drinking the concentrated juice is more effective than eating the fruit in its natural form.

Celery Seed Capsules

This is in the form of supplements which you can purchase at most major pharmacies. Celery is proven as an anti-gout treatment. You should store a bottle in your kitchen so that you are prepared in the event of a gout attack.

Drink 12 Glasses of Water Daily

For immediate gout relief, it is recommended that you drink 12 or more glasses of water each day to flush out the uric acid from your body.

Home Made Remedies

There are many home made remedies that can provide immediate gout relief. One of them is to apply charcoal over the affected joint and leave for about 15 minutes. This will draw out toxins from the area and relieve the gout pain.

You should bear in mind that it is important to seek immediate treatment if you are stricken with a gout attack. If the swelling on the affected joint is left untreated, the gout pain could spread to the ankle, knee, hand, elbow or wrist. In a worse case scenario, joint deformities or kidney failure could even occur. Immediate gout relief is easily obtainable if you know the gout symptoms and a cure is merely a step away.

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