Looking for quick ways to build muscles fast? While everyone knows that you can't get big muscles overnight, there are natural techniques that can help speed up the muscle building process. In fact knowledge and application of the right strategy can help you accelerate growth far beyond what the other gym rats are experiencing. Use the 3 ways provided below for accelerated muscle growth so you can get the fastest results possible.
3 quick ways to build muscles fast:
Consume "clean calories at 16 Xs your body weight daily - Your muscles need fuel, and lots of it, to grow. But you don't want to feed them with low octane "junk". That only leads to adding weight to the body with most being attributed to fat. For lean muscle growth, take in 16 Xs your body weight in calories of high quality protein (30% - 35%), unprocessed carbs (60% - 65%), and healthy fats (5% - 10%).
Train using routine(s) that focus on compound exercises - quick ways to build muscles rely on getting the most work out of your body in the shortest period of time. Performing compound exercises achieve that. You can do 7 compound moves using a set/rep routine that will kick your @$$ and have you finished with your workout in under an hour. (Make that 1 hour and 15 minutes if you throw some cardio in...which you should at least 3 days a week.)
Get 8 hours of sleep - your sleep period is the time when your muscle tissue gets repaired. Through that process the muscle tissue also grows. In addition to this, human growth hormone and testosterone are produced, two very important factors in building muscle. Several other things happen as well during sleep such as your body recovering and re-energizing to name a couple. However, to reap the full benefit that sleep provides, you'll need a minimum of 8 consecutive hours of sleep per night, thus another excellent reason to go to bed.
It's important to remember that quick ways to build muscles fast only works when all of the pieces of the muscle building puzzle come together. Without these 3 components all working together in unison, it would be like trying to breathe in air without oxygen...it just doesn't work.
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