Saturday, March 31, 2012

Importance of Yoga In Daily Life

Importance of Yoga In Daily Life

Yoga is a traditional method of meditation developed by the saints of ancient India. They practiced yoga as an effective method of controlling their mind and bodily activities.

Yoga in Daily Life is a system of practice consisting of eight levels of development in the areas of physical, mental, social and spiritual health.

When the body is physically healthy, the mind is clear, focused and stress is under control. This gives the space to connect with loved ones and maintain socially healthy relationships. When you are healthy you are in touch with your inner Self, with others and your surroundings on a much deeper level, which adds to your spiritual health.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Facts about Fever

Facts about Fever

Fever is actually the body's natural way of defending itself from invaders like viruses and bacteria, because many of them can't survive in the body due to the high temperature caused by a fever.

It is very important to understand that a fever is a normal response of the body to foreign invaders like bacteria and viruses. The body recognizes a foreign invader and the brain acts to increase body temperature to make things unsuitable for the foreign invader. Most bacteria can only tolerate a certain temperature range and once outside of it, do not survive. Fever is not the result of damage to the body by germs the body creates fever in response to exposure to germs. Fever has been shown to increase levels of antiviral substances the body produces.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Facts about Hair Transplant Procedures

Facts about Hair Transplant Procedures

It is getting more common for people to get hair transplant procedures as the methods keep improving. It is just less obvious than in earlier times when everyone could spot a person with bad hair plugs. Yet, there are still a few facts about hair transplant surgery that are not widely known.

1. A large percentage of men have balding issues. In fact, 50% of American men that are 50 years old or older are dealing with some amount of hair loss. Hair problems in today's society beg to be conquered. Some do it by shaving their heads completely. Others take the exact opposite route and have hair transplant surgery. Those who accept their baldness may have a healthy psyche, but they are slightly out of step with the rest of the world.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Importance of FAT

Importance of FAT


People believe that oil, as well as other types of fat are unhealthy, there are actually many health benefits of oil. To get the most benefits from oil, it is important to understand what types of oil are healthy, and the benefits that they provide. Total fat are sum of saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Intake of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats can help reduce blood cholesterol when substituted for saturated fats in the diet.

Role of Fat-

Fat is needed. Body can absorb the fat soluble vitamins A, S, E, K, and prevent deficiencies of these vitamins.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Importance of Fats in Diet

Importance of Fats in Diet

For decades we have been told to eat less very less fat and especially cardiac patient is not allowed to eat fat. It’s Not True! Not all fats are bad. Human body needs fat for good health. We need to substitute bad fats with good fats without increasing the total calories consumed. Everyone needs good fats without increasing daily diet. Fat is a building block. Fat helps the body to absorb essential vitamins. Some fats are not made by the body, like omega – 3 (W-3) and omega- 6 (W-6) have to be consumed from external sources.

The key to fat intake is moderation. The best oil in terms of fat content is low in saturated fatty acid high in MUFA (Mono Unsaturated Fatty Acid) and balancing ratio of omega -6 to omega -3 and zero trans fatty acid.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Importance Of Breakfast

Importance Of Breakfast

Importance Of Breakfast

For those who always skip breakfast, you should start kicking that habit now! You've heard many times that "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day." Breakfast can help prevent strokes, heart attack and sudden death. Break-fast the word itself is self explanatory. You 'break the fast' of not eating for the past 8 to 12 hours. It helps curb your hunger and prevent binge eating later in the day.

Why Breakfast?

Because the frequency of heart attacks, sudden death, and stroke peaks between 6:00am and noon, with the highest incidence being between 8:00am and 10:00am.

It is scientifically proven that fat burning processes are most active in the morning, and fat storage - in the evening. So if you eat a healthy breakfast in the morning, you will boost your metabolism to burn fat and calories, and will give your body a good energy start for the day.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

The Cause of Chest Pain

The Cause of Chest Pain

The Cause of Chest Pain - Health Info, Pain can be caused by almost every structure in the chest. Different organs can produce the types of pain are different but unfortunately the pain is not specific to any cause. Each of the following causes are described in detail in this article:

* Bone-Bone Ribs The Broken or Bruising

* Or Pleurisy Pleurisy

* Pneumothorax

* Shingles

* Pneumonia

* Pulmonary embolus

* Angina

* Heart Attack (Myocardial Infarction)

* Pericarditis

* Aorta and Aortic Dissection

* Esophagus and reflux esophagitis

* Who Referred abdominal pain

4 Things That Trigger The Onset Of A Disease

4 Things That Trigger The Onset Of A Disease

4 Things That Trigger The Onset Of A Disease - Health Info, Everyone does not know when he will be exposed to a disease. But apparently the cause of someone's pain is influenced by four things, some of which are preventable. The reason people became sick, there are 4 things: environmental, behavioral, congenital abnormalities and access to health care place.

1. An unhealthy environment accounts for 30 percent

2. Unhealthy behaviors accounted for 40 percent

4 Things That Trigger The Onset Of A Disease

3. Congenital abnormalities accounted for 20 percent

4. Access to health care accounted for 10 percent

Based on this note that the first and second factor contributing to a disease much more that is about 70 percent, compared with other factors. Factors 1 and 2 may be intervened in order to become a healthy environment and behavior. If we do that then we can menajdi better or healthier. By having a healthy lifestyle then the person would become sick less often and do not need to see a doctor so that it works better productivity.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Pregnancy Symptoms

Pregnancy Symptoms

Pregnancy Symptoms - Health Info, To say a woman was pregnant, it is necessary to advance the study of subjective and objective data found on the woman. Subjective data means anything that is felt or experienced by women who are pregnant or often called the symptoms of pregnancy while the objective data is anything that can be observed by others in a woman who is pregnant or is often termed a sign of pregnancy. Signs of pregnancy itself subdivided into a sign of pregnancy is uncertain and definite sign of pregnancy.

Symptoms of pregnancy is uncertain:

Menopause is not the first symptom that is felt by a woman who realizes that she is pregnant. It is important to note the date of the first day of last period to determine gestational age and estimated date of birth. Simple formula to determine the date of birth while the date plus 7 minus 3 months, calculated from the first date of last menstrual period.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Factors That have An Impact On A Person's Average Heart Rate

Factors That have An Impact On A Person's Average Heart Rate

The average heart rate of a resting adult is 60-100 beats per minute (bpm). Heart rate is influenced by numerous factors such as age, gender, weight, fitness level, body position, and medication use.

An infant's average heart rate ranges between 120 and 180 bpm. When the child reaches age one, the average becomes 95-150 bpm. The average heart rate of five-year old children is 80-120 bpm. When the child reaches 12, however, it becomes 60-100 bpm. A lower average heart rate, however, is expected in the eldery. This is attributed to the changes in the heart muscle as it gets older. For people who are 75 years old and above, a low heart rate of 50 bpm can be considered normal.