Panic attacks occur when a person experienced repeated periods of extreme panic. It could occur anytime or anywhere. Panic attacks typically last about 5 to 30 minutes. If left untreated, panic attacks may develop into phobias. These are some of the panic attack symptoms such as feelings of choking, chest pain or pressure, racing pulse, pounding heart, dizziness, breathlessness, throat constricting, breaking out into sweat, trembling or shaking, nausea, tingling or numbness in limbs, being in a dream sequence, insecurities, and nervousness.
As panic attacks are part of the resultant effect of fight or flight sequence, the body experience certain changes. The changes are good to get things done or to save yourself but in the long run, it will affect the mind and body in a negative way. The chemicals released into blood systems might cause the immune system to weaken and make you prone to sickness.